Doug thinks that I'm bordering on OCD and I tell him that it's not unreasonable to want things to be clean and organized. He just laughs at me and then forgets to wipe down the counters with sanitizing spray after he makes a meal. (ARGH! Why do the dishes, sweep the floor, and sometimes even mop and leave a mess on the counters?? Am I asking too much? But again, this is a guy who leaves his underwear NEXT to the hamper, not IN it. I love him, I'm very lucky he puts up with me, but COME ON!)
So... Last night Doug and I were watching "John & Kate Plus 8" on TLC. (It makes me feel better about my life to watch someone who has a set of twins and a set of sextuplets and has lived to tell about it) In the episode we were watching, the family was organizing their playroom and bedrooms. Kate's reasoning for the organizing overhaul was that "a chaotic environment leads to a choatic mind...." I just told my hubby the other day that a cluttered environment leads to a cluttered mind. HA!! I am not the only one who thinks that way. Granted, this woman, Kate, is TOTALLY OCD. I'm not that bad. But, it's nice to know that someone other than my mother thinks the way I do!!
Ya. But it still hurts.
2 years ago