Friday, September 5, 2008

Where I stand

Well, as most everyone knows, I'm one of the most opinionated people in the world. Lately I have been soooooooooooooo disappointed in the political candidates after a week of hearing speeches at the Republican Convention, I have been inspired to take a stand.

I was not happy to hear about the Republican VP nomination. I was almost as disappointed about Palin as I was when I heard about Biden. However, after researching Sarah Palin I have come to respect her and I will vote for McCain/Palin with a clear conscience.

Recently, I my political views have leaned more toward independant. I have been so discouraged with Bush and have lost a lot of faith in the Republican party. But McCain's speech inspired me to stop complaining and start DOING something. So, I'm starting here by asserting my view and hopefully beginning conversations with others to encourage them to vote.

I do not believe that Obama is what is best for our country. When you take away his speech writers, his teleprompters, his make up and his staff what you get is a sad man, who can't put his hand on his heart during the Pledge of Allegience in respect of the men and women who died for his freedom, who basically hopes to be elected based on the color of his skin. I am not racist. I would vote for him if he stood for something. But he has done very little for America and he is married to a woman who has done even less.

Gloria Steinem, a pioneer in the feminist movement, has said that Palin is the wrong womanwith the wrong message for the VP job and says that Palin should just stay home with her kids. I don't agree with everything Palin stands for, but I completely respect her because she stands for something! She's proud to be a member of the NRA, she's proud enough of her political party to blow the whistle on corruption, and she's secure enough in her family relationships to have her pregnant teenage daughter stand at her side.

Many people keep saying the McCain isn't enough of a Maverick to oppose the extreme Right Wing and the splintered Republican party. I say he is. I don't agree with everything McCain stands for, but again, he stands for something! He may not be strong in his knowledge of the economy but I believe that he's been around long enough to accept the ideas and seek out the knowledge of others who do. He has been around long enough to have contributed to America. At the very least, he has fought for our country and sacrificed in ways that Obama could never fathom. As McCain said, he's been an imperfect servant for many years, but a servant nonetheless. McCain is also married to a woman who has done more for people from other nations as anyone I've ever seen.

So here it is. Now you know who I'm voting for. As I always say, you may not like me or my views but you will ALWAYS KNOW WHERE I STAND.

More to come.....


Joy ~ Kurt said...

I love it! I agree with a lot of things you've said! I think McCain is the better choice for our country. I don't know a lot about politics, but I do have an opinion about this election. In God we trust! Thank goodness He is in control. :)

Nancy Mackey said...

Agree! I loved that speech too!! Of course I have kind of been for anything against Obama more and more every step of the way...